Augmented Reality Interactive content Virtual Reality

Virtual Art Department

Creative Control. Real-Time Flexibility. Your virtual assets - the way you want them.

Design Reality. From standing on top of the Empire State Building to walking the surface of Mars to creating your own mystical world - our virtual art department makes it happen. We’re with you every step of the way to make sure you’re loving your end result.

Ford and Meptik


Fix it in…Pre. Make sure every shot looks exactly the way you want it - before you step foot on set. Our specially crafted, exclusive pre-visualization tools empower you to effortlessly capture any angle with any setup, virtually.

Our Virtual Art Department helps with:

Concept Art

System installation Camera tracking Motion capture Laser scanning


Unlock the boundless potential of virtual production. This is where our designers get to work on the graphics you decide work best for your needs:

2D, 2.5D or real-time 3D content creation
Interactive graphics
Motion graphics
Data visualization
Augmented Reality / Extended Reality graphics
Final Pre-visualization

As we build, iterate, and revise, you’ll have frequent opportunities to weigh in.


We don’t leave things unfinished. Our virtual art team accompanies your crew on set to make sure you get exactly what you signed up for and more:

Content integration & optimization
Real-time virtual scenic adjustments
Image manipulation
Motion capture for interactivity

Meptik Emilyrowed


Once we get the ball rolling it’s hard to stop. We believe in building long-lasting relationships and support you way beyond your call of the final “cut”.

Learn more about our support packages. Talk to our team today.

Chat with the team

Graphics are just one piece of the creative puzzle. Optimizing content for your virtual production on-set is critical. From day one, we’ve brought designers and systems engineers together under one roof. Because when you’re coming up with creative solutions, two heads are better than one.

Geek Mode activated? Let’s dive into our tech services.

Take a look around.

With a wealth of experience and a passion for excellence, we've helped businesses of all sizes to visually stand out. Below is just a taste of what we’ve done.